This page summarizes the options explained in detail in the Running LIRICAL section.


The download command downloads files required to run LIRICAL:

  • Homo_sampiens_gene_info.gz
  • hp.obo
  • phenotype.hpoa
  • mim2gene_medgen

By default, LIRICAL will create a directory called data and download the files there. LIRICAL will download to a non-default directory if the user passes the -d option.

download command
short long Default Explanation
-d --download data directory to download data
-w --overwrite false overwrite prevously downloaded files, if any

Running LIRICAL with a phenopacket

The phenopacket command runs LIRICAL from a Phenopacket file.

phenopacket command
short long Default Explanation
-p --phenopacket n/a path to Phenopacket
-d --download data diretory that contains the downloaded data
-g --global false retain candidate diseases even if no candidate gene is known or no candidate variant is found in VCF file.
-m --mindiff 10 minimal number of differential diagnoses to show in the HTML output file.
-o --output-directory n/a directory into which to write output file(s).
-x --prefix lirical prefix of outfile
-t --threshold 0.01 minimum post-test probability to show a diagnosis in the HTML output. This option, together with --mindiff, controls the number of panels that show information about candidates in the HTML output.
none --transcriptdb ucsc transcript database. Valid options are UCSC, Ensembl, and RefSeq
none --tsv false Use TSV instead of HTML output


The yaml command runs LIRICAL from a YAML configuration file. Users should indicate all non-default arguments within the YAML file. The only valid argument for the yaml command is the path to the YAML file (-y <path>).

$ java -jar yaml -y example.yaml
yaml command
short long Default Explanation
-y --yaml n/a path to yaml configuration file