If LIRICAL is run with the --tsv option, it will output a tab-separated values (TSV) file with the results for each of the diagnoses. For example, the following command will run LIRICAL on a Phenopacket and output a TSV file with the results.

$ java -jar LIRICAL.jar phenopacket \
    --global \
    -e /path(..)/1811_hg19 \
    -p /path(..)/example-phenopacket.json \

By default, LIRICAL outputs the data to a file called lirical.tsv. This can be altered with the -x <prefix> option.

LIRICAL’s TSV format
Item Explanation
rank placement of the candidate diagnosis by LIRICAL
diseaseName Name of the candidate disease
diseaseCurie disease ID, e.g., OMIM:154700
pretestprob Pretest probability of the candidate disease
postestprob Postest probability of the candidate disease
compositeLR Combined likelihood ratio of the candidate disease (logarithm of the product of all individual LRs)
entrezGeneId Identifier of the candidate disease gene (if available)
variants variant evaluation (if available)

The file begins with comment lines (that start with an exclamation mark) that provide information about the HPO terms used to run the analysis.